I'm having a bitter day.
I should know better, really -- but I still can't help reading the news. And today there were more articles about state interests dictating federal military cuts, and that Drives Me Up The Wall. I quickly dashed off an irritated Facebook post:
Government: "Hey, military, we couldn't get our act together, so we need you to make a huge budget cut, mmmkay? Oh yeah, and you still have to meet national security objectives."
Military: "Ok, it'll hurt, but we'll cut these units and these programs, and we should be able to make it work."
Government: "Wait! Those units and those programs bring money into our states! We won't let you cut them. Instead, we'll decide what should be cut based on the self-interests of our states and lobbyists, rather than national security strategy."
Military: "WTFO???"
But the more I think about it, the more angry I get. Here's what drives me nuts -- the Air Force came up with a plan to save money, and the House is getting in the way. Cut Air National Guard units? But that would mean lost jobs! Well, yes -- you just can't cut that much money out of the budget and NOT lose jobs. The military isn't immune from unemployment, either. The Air Force has been laying off its own people -- military and civilian -- for years in an effort to downsize (oh, and to help pay for the F-22). Yes, it sucks to say "welcome home from a year in Afghanistan; here's your pink slip," but it's happening.
And then there's Alaskan Senator Mark Begich. He's protesting against the Air Force moving aircraft from Eielson Air Force Base to Elmendorf Air Force Base -- and he's doing it by refusing to confirm any Air Force generals. See, promotions at that level have to be confirmed by the Senate. In order for the Air Force to appoint a new Chief of Staff (the top guy), the Senate has to confirm the nomination. And Senator Begich won't do it. And until he does, it's not like the incumbent can retire -- it's kind of an important position. So here's an open letter to Senator Begich:
You're forcing a man who's been serving his country in the military since 1973 -- for longer than I've been alive -- to stay on active duty. He's airlifted evacuees out of Saigon and Cambodia, served in two Gulf wars, and led special operations forces doing things you could never understand. He's been at war for the past decade -- let the man retire in peace. Shame on you for using him as a hostage in your fight to keep the Defense budget cuts from impacting your state. Shame on you.
When did the military's primary mission become providing jobs? I realize the military is a big employer, and I know job cuts hurt -- we're feeling the pain, too. There is no easy place to make cuts, and I especially hate the idea of hurting those who have whole-heartedly supported the military members living in their communities. But the Air Force can't keep hemorrhaging from the inside indefinitely to avoid impacting the local economies around its bases, or the defense contractors that depend on Air Force contracts. The military's mission is to ensure national security -- not the local economy. If we can't do both, it seems obvious which one has to give.
That's all I have to say about that (for now). Except that I should probably add that these views are mine alone, and not intended to represent those of the Air Force in any way.
Shame on you.
- Brandy
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